Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not a drum, but I'd love to see him take a beating

Two years ago, when I was in Okinawa, so around Jan/Feb 2011 I started writing something set in a present-day Britain but more dystopian and in which there is a character who, being unemployed, basically receives credit on his Jobseeker Credit Card (which he  has to pay back when he is in work/exchange for community service hours) and which gives him access to a limited number of prescribed foodstuffs and essentials which he  can only purchase from the approved Jobseeker Credit Stores, Tesco. Of course it is arranged in such a way that he is  in increasing debt at the  end  of every month and so his Community Giveback hours increase exponentially. He worries  that the fact that he has bought a copy of  the Guardian rather than the approved newspapers might bring him unwanted attention next time he goes in for  an assessment etc.
Of course at that point this seemed like a kind  of nightmare exaggeration of tendencies in the  present that wouldn't actually come to pass.
That was, in retrospect, rather naive of me.

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