Monday, May 05, 2008

Martika-Love thy will be done


Dominic said...

The synth pads are quite nice, but the overall effect's a bit Madonna-lite isn't it? I remember this one from the time, sort of liking it a bit in spite of myself, but feeling slightly embarrassed by the religiosity of it (for the most part it would fit perfectly between the covers of Mission Praise...).

Anonymous said...

Owen's currently tracking down everything ever written by Prince so i thought i'd post it for him...i like the swooping choral vocal effects is easily the best track off the album, the rest of which is sub-par fretless eighties non-funk...where do you stand on Prince, Dominic.. he seems to be a love/hate proposition...

owen hatherley said...

Ta, it is nice: not as good as Sheena Easton's 'Sugar Walls' but pretty sweet. Incidentally I tried to send you 'Erotic City', '17 Days' and some Vanity 6 things on that fancy SkyDrive thing but it didn't work. Will give it another go soon.

Prince's God moments are always rather peculiar. Sometimes they're very divine-love-is-a-bit-like-sex, but often decidedly eschatological...

Dominic said...

Prince has occasionally thrilled me but never really bowled me over. I'm more impressed by the idea of Prince (short-arsed alien perve-god playing super-tight politically conscious sex-funk) than by its actual realization. He writes well for women, which is obviously a good thing. And the cover of LoveSexy came as close as anything ever will to turning me temporarily gay*, so that's another plus.

* He just obviously fancies himself so much, you can't help joining in a bit.

owen hatherley said...

He just obviously fancies himself so much, you can't help joining in a bit.

Is that an example of this paying attention to one's mojo you've been discussing...? Incidentally Prince fits the self-construction parameters perfectly: midget muso geek becomes polymorphous purple sex deity etc.