Saturday, June 15, 2013

Right, this blog seems to crash my and other people's browsers so I am officially retiring it and have set up a new cluster of  blogs accessible via Resolution way/Eminent Domain. I intend to be stupefyingly productive over the next  18 months, I seem, after a long hiatus, to have  got my  ambition back, let's hope a degree of  discipline has also returned!

I am going to be concentrating on fiction which might be  of limited interest to some of  you however this is a novel (or  two actually hence the split title) which seems to be  extremely concerned with popular music and the  1970s so I also have  two other blogs and related projects, one The Tory imagination, in which  will be exploring the films of the Seventies (and onward) and for which I will also be partly filleting earlier posts from this and  the Decades' blogs and Slouching toward Babylon which will look at Utopianism and apocalypticism in British films of the same era for an eventually fully cohered and  integrated book/blog.

There's also a Tumbler that I don't fully know how to use which I am going to use as a separate place to embed Youtube  links (thereby hopefully avoiding browser crashing problems) related to Resolution way/Eminent Domain a kind of soundtrack to the-work-in-progress if you like.

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